Full Circle of Giving

Cox Health Employee Megan Helms

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2020 was a tough year already, but for Cox Medical Center Branson employee Megan Helms the year took a turn for the worse on Nov. 4.

Helms, a medical assistant in the pulmonology and sleep medicine clinic, lost many of her belongs when the microwave at her home caught fire. While the fire was contained, it wasn’t before many of their belongs were destroyed and what wasn’t destroyed, was heavily smoke damaged.

Helms, her husband, son and grandmother stayed with Helms’ mother the first night after the fire and then was offered a hotel room at a discounted rate.

“My husband worked for a gentleman who owned a hotel and he gave us a very discounted rate but it was still more than we could afford long-term and by this time, we found out it was going to be three to six months before we would be able to get back into the house due to the damage,” she explained.

Helms’ office manager reminded her about Skaggs Foundation’s employee assistance fund.

“I have donated to Skaggs Foundation since I was hired but didn’t think it would ever be something I would need,” she said.

The funds provided by the foundation covered their month-long hotel stay and when they found an apartment, they were able to apply the remaining funds toward their deposit.

“It was such a blessing,” she said. “We were already without basic essentials and then realizing that we had to come up with funds as well was a lot to handle.”

In addition to the financial support Helms received from Skaggs Foundation, she also received an outpouring of support from co-workers.

“I honestly don’t know what I would have done without it,” she said. “I will continue to donate to Skaggs Foundation for the entire time I’m employed at CoxHealth and I do not plan on leaving until they kick me out.”

Skaggs Foundation’s employee assistance program is primarily funded through CoxHealth employees who support the foundation through payroll giving.

If you are an employee of CoxHealth and would like to support Skaggs Foundation through payroll giving, click here.

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