Skaggs Foundation hits milestone in scholarship awards

Cutline: Pictured left to right Hollie Holderfield scholarship committee member, Grace Nash Skaggs Foundation, Quinn Roberts, Jacob Holt, Rafe Dillard, Kenny Madura scholarship committee member, Elizabeth Hoffman, Katlyn Sanders, Elizabeth Boldman, Kathryn Gubin scholarship committee member, Corrine Espinoza, Maria Snowden, and Heather Jones scholarship committee member.

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Skaggs Foundation has awarded over $500,000 in scholarships to students

Since inception, Skaggs Foundation has been committed to investing in the lives of individuals
in the healthcare industry. This year they hit a milestone by awarding $514,950 in scholarships
since 2002.

“The impact this has made throughout the years in not only the individuals receiving the
scholarships but also the lives they have touched reaches farther than what we could imagine”,
explains Grace Nash, who oversees Skaggs Foundation’s scholarship program. “We are
empowering individuals to reach their full potential while doing our part to help fill vacancies in
the local healthcare industry with quality, highly skilled individuals.”

Skaggs Foundation is committed to reducing the financial barrier for local individuals pursuing or
advancing careers in the medical field. For the spring scholarships over 50% of the students are
pursuing degrees in nursing.

“The need for healthcare workers continues to increase nationally”, said Judy Hampton, HR
Business Partner for CoxHealth. “Nursing is a vital need and to see the interest in nursing
careers in our recent scholarship applications is encouraging. We are always seeking avenues
to assist students and current employees to pursue careers and expand on their education.
Having a resource such as Skaggs Foundation to assist our community and employees with
obtaining healthcare careers is essential.”

Scholarship recipients had the opportunity to meet with scholarship committee members, many
of whom are past scholarship recipients themselves. “We want the students to know that the
Skaggs Foundation is here for them every step of the way,” stated Nash.

Spring 2024 scholarship recipients include: Kloey Alms, Ian Avellanosa, Elizabeth Boldman,
Heath Cole, Rafe Dillard, Ellie Dunagan, Corrine Espinoza, Madison Froeschle, Lauren
Garrison, Jared Gott, Susanne Hill, Elizabeth Hoffman, Jacob Holt, Collette Lavoi, Quinn
Roberts, Katlyn Sanders, Elizabeth Sawyer, Maria Snowden, Autumn Walters, Amanda Wilcox
and Madison Wood.

To learn more about Skaggs Foundation’s scholarship program, visit

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