Meet The Jockeys


Lyndi Carnelison - #4

“Consistency wins races, and I’m ready to shine all the way to the finish line!” 

Brad Swofford - #25

“I’ve got the quickest start and the smoothest stride- your bets are safe with me!”  

Tracey Williams- #9

“With my experience and steady stride, I’ll make your bet the best decision of the day!” 

Steve Scherer - #31

“I never back down, and I’ve got what it takes to outlast and outrun the field- bet on courage!”

Trina Hargis - #44

“I’ve been training for this moment, and I’m ready to bring the glory home- your bet will pay off!

William Mahoney - #3

“I’ve got the charm, the stride, and the winning spirit- bet on me and watch the magic happen!” 

Laura Rodseth - #54

“Everyone loves an underdog story, and I’ve got the tenacity to turn your bet into a win!”

Glenn Schulz - #17

“I don’t just run the race; I lead the charge- bet on me and join the winning trail!”

Kate Trokey-Harris - #5

“I’m known for thrilling finishes- place your bets, and I’ll give you a race to remember!” 

Matt Turner - #86

“If you ain’t first, you’re last. Put your money on me to gallop to victory.” 

Becky Roberts - #77

“I’m not just here to race; I’m here to win with grace and precision-bet on the sure thing!” 

Tim Shafer - #24

“If you’re looking for heart, hustle, and horsepower, I’m your best bet!”

Brenda Romine - #79

“I’m not just here to race; I’m here to win with grace and precision-bet on the sure thing!” 

David Arney - #2

“When it comes to sheer speed, nobody can match my lightning strikes- place your bets wisely!”

Randy Brashers- #99

“Bet on me because I’ve got the speed, the stamina, and the spark to leave the competition in the dust!”